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國際特別法庭籌委會: 「決不」
【人民報消息】第二次世界大戰結束後,人們發現在納粹德國佔領區內發生過當時還不爲外界完全了解的對猶太人的大屠殺。至少600萬歐洲猶太人被有計劃的消滅在集中營。「NEVER AGAIN」是國際社會對種族滅絕大屠殺說「不」的莊嚴的承諾。







越來越多的組織、個人加入了制止迫害、追究迫害者的行動。「國際特別法庭籌備委員會」 於2003年12月8日的成立,就是這個努力的一部份。今天,是所有善良的人們、各個國家、政府和非政府組織共同爲反對和制止這場迫害做出努力的時刻了。


所以,作爲人類社會的一員,信守「NEVER AGAIN」的諾言,規正和完善這一司法的結構,懲惡揚善,提高道德水準就是,是我們義不容辭的責任。

因此 「國際特別法庭籌備委員會」的宗旨是籌備建立一個專門審判犯有雙重滅絕罪行的江氏國家恐怖主義集團的「國際特別法庭」,將發動這場迫害的主謀江澤民和參與迫害的每一個人、每一件事,直到所有的發動者、指揮者、執行者都被繩之以法,這就是我們對國際社會的承諾。我們永不放棄。



At the end of World War II, the world was shocked to find out that at least six million European Jews had been systematically killed in concentration camps in Nazi-occupied regions. As the genocide was taking place, people outside these regions were kept blind for years. Thereafter, the international community made the solemn pledge of 「NEVER AGAIN」 towards genocide crime.

People may wonder why today with modern and advanced civilization, such large-scale dual Genocide crimes could ever happen? It is because human moral standard now has slid to the verge of destruction and there is no law to substantively hold those with absolute power accountable, instead there are laws to free them from punishment, like the State Head Immunity is the separation of top rulers from the justice of law.

In 1948, when the world was not fully recovered from the trauma and grief caused by World War II, delegations of all different countries gathered at the General Assembly of United Nations, adopted and proclaimed the 「Universal Declaration of Human Rights」.

The Declaration has for the first time laid base for the common standards of series of political, social, and economical rights that people from all countries should reach.

「All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.」

Now 50 year has passed, and the world has made significant progress. Yet, there is still a long way ahead of us before we truly achieve the goal in 「Universal Declaration of Human Rights」. The investigation reports from the 「World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong」 (WOIPFG) have revealed a large-scale human rights violation that has been undergoing for almost 5 years in People』s Republic of China ━ a nation comprising 20% of the worlds』 population.

The reports have shown that the persecution of Falun Gong was initiated single-handed by the former head of China, Dictator Jiang Zemin. He has mobilized all possible national resources in China, one of the largest countries in the world, to execute and sustain the persecution of Falun Gong. This persecution utilized all 「revolutionary」 means with brutality and cruelty, which were accumulated by the Chinese Communist Party in the past century, in the crackdown and 「strike-hard」 on Falun Gong practitioners.

The evidence demonstrates that the persecution has infiltrated into every corner of Chinese society, and the victims include Seniors, Children, Women, varying from officials, professors, farmers to students, crossing all walks of lives. And the only
excuse for the persecution of these innocent people is that they practice Falun Gong, a practice that is based on traditional virtues and improves people』s health and moral standards.

As a member in the human society, it is our unshirkable duty to keep to our vow of 「NEVER AGAIN」 towards genocide crimes, rectify and improve the current judiciary system, punish the evils while promoting goodness, to raise moral standard of human beings.

Therefore, it』s the mission of the 「International Special Tribunal Preparatory Committee」 to prepare for the creation of an 「International Special Tribunal」 solely for the trial of the Jiang』s state terrorism regime who has committed the dual Genocide crimes.

We vow to the international community that we will thoroughly investigate every individual who has participated in the persecution, every crime they have committed, until all the people who launched this vicious campaign, all the commanders and all the performers are brought to justice. We will never give up.

文章網址: http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2004/6/12/31467.html



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