電子報 简体版
神的慈悲!彭斯第二次美中關係演講 (多圖/中英全文)

【人民報消息】人民報編輯部:2019年10月24日(週四),美國副總統彭斯在華府智庫威爾遜中心(Wilson Center)舉辦的首屆弗雷德‧馬勒克公共服務領袖講座發表第二次對華演講。演講地點在康萊德飯店(Conrad Hotel)。 這個全球矚目的演講是史無前例的,非常清晰的表達了世界警察美國針對的是中國共產黨邪惡組織(CCP),爭取的是有解體中共的歷史使命的總書記習近平。這種區分將成爲世界走向的指南針與風向標,使宇宙舊勢力毀滅人類的全盤陰謀計劃被徹底粉碎。 這是天象所至,人間隨之起舞。 以下是人民報翻譯的彭斯第二次美中關係演講全文: 謝謝你們的熱情歡迎。你們的新理事主席、州長斯科特‧沃克(Scott Walker)、前國會衆議員簡‧哈曼(Jane Harman);這個歷史性的中心的全體理事會成員、所有優秀的學者們,我很榮幸來到威爾遜中心,這個地方以一位在世界舞臺上捍衛美國領導地位和自由的偉大總統的名字命名。 本着同樣的精神,請允許我在今天上午首先帶來另一位總統的問候,他是國內乃至全世界自由的捍衛者。我帶來了美利堅合衆國第45任總統唐納德‧川普(特朗普)總統的問候。(掌聲)。 在這個意義非凡的一週即將結束之際,我今天來到這裏。在土耳其軍隊攻入敘利亞後,由於美國總統的強大經濟和外交行動,以及我們土耳其和庫爾德盟友的合作,敘利亞國防軍得以安全地從目前由土耳其軍隊控制的邊境地區撤退。 昨天,土耳其國防部證實了永久停火,並停止所有進攻性的軍事行動。(掌聲)。 我們的軍隊正在還鄉的路上。我很高興地報告,通過這次停火,土耳其和我們的庫爾德盟友現在創造了一個機會,即國際社會可以創建一個安全區,我們相信這將爲這個飽受戰爭蹂躪地區的人民恢復和平與安全。這的確是進步。 再次感謝你們今天能讓我來到這裏,我非常榮幸在首屆紀念弗雷德‧馬勒克(Frederic V. Malek)公共服務領袖講座上致辭。 任何認識弗雷德的人都會告訴你,他是西點軍校引以爲傲的孩子,他的一生都以「責任、榮譽和國家」爲準則。有人告訴我,他在輔導別人時,經常引用母校的學生祈禱文,敦促他們「選擇更難的正路,而不是更容易的歧途」。 弗雷德明白,沒有人,特別是國家,能夠通過放棄他們的價值觀來捍衛自己的利益。因此,爲了紀念弗雷德,我今天來到這裏,討論一個很大程度上決定21世紀命運的話題:美國與中國的關係。 自本屆政府執政之初,川普總統就決心將與中國的關係建立在坦率、公平和相互尊重的基礎上,實現他所說的「一個更加公正、安全與和平的世界」。 去年的這個月,我談到了北京的對美國利益和價值觀最有傷害力的多項政策,從中(共)國的債務外交、軍事擴張、壓制有宗教信仰的人到建設監控國家;當然,還有中(共)國一系列不符合自由與公平貿易的政策,包括關稅、配額、貨幣操縱、強制技術轉讓和產業補貼。 歷屆政府來了又去,所有人都意識到了這些不良行爲。沒有人願意得罪華盛頓的既得利益集團,他們不僅容許這些不良行爲,而且還常常從中獲利。面對中(共)國的經濟侵略和侵犯人權,這些政治建制派不僅保持沉默,還常常助長這些行爲。年復一年,美國中心地帶一家家的工廠關閉,北京一座座的摩天大樓拔地而起,美國工人只會變得更加沮喪,而中(共)國只會變得更加膽大。 在不到20年的時間裏,我們看到了川普總統所說的「世界歷史上最大規模的財富轉移」。在過去的17年裏,中(共)國的GDP增長了九倍多;中(共)國已成爲世界第二大經濟體。這種成功在很大程度上由美國在中國的投資推動。 北京的行爲導致了美國對中(共)國的貿易逆差,去年達到了4000多億美元,幾乎是我們全球貿易逆差的一半。正如川普總統多次表示的那樣,我們在過去25年裏重建了中國。沒有什麼話比這更確切了,但那些日子已經結束了。 歷史必將證明,在不到三年的時間裏,唐納德‧川普總統永遠改變了這種敘述。美國及其領導人不再希望僅靠經濟接觸就能將共產主義中國的專制國家轉變爲一個尊重私有財產、法治和國際貿易規則的自由開放社會。 相反,正如總統的2017年國家安全戰略所闡述的,美國現在將中國視爲一個戰略和經濟上的競爭對手。我可以親身證明,絕大多數的美國人,無論是在城市還是農場,都支持川普總統對美中關係的清晰眼光。總統的立場也得到了國會兩黨的廣泛支持。 過去一年來,在這種支持下,川普總統採取了大膽而果斷的行動來糾正昔日的失敗政策,壯大美國,追究北京的責任,爲了我們兩國和世界的福祉,讓我們的關係走上一條更加公平、穩定和建設性的道路。 當我們的政府就任時,中(共)國正在成爲世界上最大的經濟體。專家預測,中(共)國經濟將在短短几年內超過美國。然而,由於川普總統推出的大膽的經濟議程,一切都發生了改變。 在本屆政府的早期,這位總統就簽署了美國曆史上最大的減稅和稅收改革法案。我們降低了美國的企業稅率,以效仿世界各地的其它企業稅率。我們前所未有地放鬆了聯邦監管。我們釋放了美國的能量。川普總統堅定地支持自由和公平的貿易。 結果如何呢?美國擁有世界歷史上最強大的經濟,(掌聲)也是我國曆史上最強大的經濟。 現在的失業率是50年來最低的。有工作的美國人比以往任何時候都多。過去兩年半,美國家庭收入的中位數增加了5000多美元。這還不包括總統爲工薪家庭減稅或能源改革所省下的錢。 由於總統的政策,我們美國的經濟增加了數萬億美元的財富,而中國的經濟繼續落在後面。 爲了給美國工人提供公平的競爭環境,讓他們免受不道德貿易行爲的影響,川普總統在2018年對價值2500億美元的中國商品加徵了關稅。今年早些時候,總統宣佈,如果我們貿易關係中的重大問題沒有在今年12月前得到解決,我們將對另外3000億美元的中(共)國商品加徵關稅。 爲了保護知識產權、我國公民的隱私和我們的國家安全,我們採取了強有力的措施,遏制華爲和中興等中(共)國公司的非法行爲。我們敦促世界各地的盟友建立安全的5G網絡,不讓北京控制我們最敏感的基礎設施和數據。 隨着我們在經濟上變得更加強大,川普總統還簽署法案,使國防開支實現超過一代人時間以來的最大增長:僅在過去三年,我們的國防投資就增加了2.5萬億美元。我們使世界歷史上最強大的軍隊更加強大。 爲了讓北京明白,沒有一個國家有權把公共海域稱爲領海,美國在過去一年加大了航行自由行動的頻率和範圍,並加強了我們在印度太平洋地區各處的軍事存在。 爲了維護各地熱愛自由的人們的價值觀,我們還公開批評了中國共產黨壓制中國人民的宗教自由。中國數百萬少數民族和宗教少數羣體在與共產黨試圖根除他們宗教文化身份的做法進行抗爭。 中國共產黨逮捕基督教牧師,禁止銷售《聖經》,拆毀教堂,監禁了超過一百萬的維吾爾穆斯林。 因其對待新疆穆斯林少數族羣的方式,我們追究了北京的責任,上個月,川普總統對一些中國共產黨官員實施簽證限制,並且對中(共)國20個公安部門和八家企業實施制裁,以懲罰他們參與迫害維吾爾人和其他中國穆斯林。(掌聲) 我們支持臺灣,捍衛其來之不易的自由。本屆政府批准了更多的對臺軍售,並且承認臺灣是主要貿易經濟體和中華文化與民主的燈塔之一。 在數百萬民衆走上街頭和平抗議之際,我們爲香港民衆發聲。川普總統很早就明確表示,必須要有尊重港人權利的和平解決方案,這些權利是1984年《中英聯合聲明》所列明的。 這些都是歷史性的行動。在我們與中國的關係上,沒有哪位總統像他這樣有力地推進美國的利益。 對於美國的行動和決心,一些跨國公司說,我們的經濟政策過於強硬,推進我們的利益和價值觀與改善和中國的關係背道而馳。 不用說,我們的看法非常不同。儘管目前大國之間在競爭,美國的實力在不斷增強,但我們希望中國變得更好。這就是爲什麼幾十年來第一次,在唐納德‧川普總統的領導下,美國對待中國領導人時,就像對待任何世界大國領導人一樣,帶着尊重,是的,但也帶着一致性和坦率。 本着這種坦率的精神,我必須告訴你們,我在哈德遜中心發表演講的一年後,北京方面仍未採取重大行動來改善我們的經濟關係。在我們提出的許多其它問題上,北京的行爲甚至變得更加咄咄逼人和破壞穩定。 在貿易方面,經過數月的艱苦談判,雙方今年5月在許多關鍵問題上達成了共識,但在最後一刻,中(共)國放棄了,放棄了一份150頁的協議,讓雙方回到原點。 現在,川普總統仍然相信北京希望達成協議。我們歡迎在新的第一階段協議中對美國農業的支持,並希望能在本週智利舉行的亞太經合組織峯會上儘快簽署。但中(共)國知道,我們兩國之間有一系列結構性的和重大的問題也必須得到處理。 例如,儘管中(共)國領導人2015年在玫瑰園承諾停止和終止,但中(共)國繼續協助和教唆竊取我們的知識產權。 今年7月,美國聯調局局長對國會表示,該機構針對知識產權盜竊展開的1000項仍在進行的調查中,大多數涉及中(共)國。美國企業每年繼續在知識產權盜竊上損失數千億美元。 這些統計數據的背後不僅僅是工商企業,由於侵犯權利和盜竊才能,受到危險的還包括個人、家庭和夢想。自由企業依賴於敢於冒險的公民追求他們的抱負並從他們的犧牲中獲取成果。當他們的勞動成果被盜取,辛勤的汗水付之東流時,這將破壞我們整個自由企業制度。 僅去年一年,就有接連不斷的涉及中(共)國的知識產權盜竊案件。今年3月,特斯拉對一名前工程師提起訴訟,指控他在跳槽到一家中(共)國自動駕駛汽車公司工作前,竊取了30萬份特斯拉在美國開發自動駕駛系統相關的文件。 去年12月,美國司法部透露,它已經打破了中(共)國國家安全部一個臭名昭著的黑客組織近四年的行動。這些中(共)國)政府官員竊取了10萬名美國海軍人員的姓名和數據以及艦船維修信息,給我們的國家安全帶來嚴重後果。 儘管中(共)國承諾打擊中國的芬太尼和其它合成阿片類藥物,但事實是,這些致命藥物繼續湧入我們的邊境,每月奪走成千上萬美國人的生命。 今天,中國共產黨正在建設一個世界前所未見的監控國家。數以億計的監控攝像頭從各個角度向下拍攝。少數民族必須通過任意設置的檢查站,警察要求血樣、指紋、錄音、多角度頭部拍攝,甚至虹膜掃描。 中(共)國現在向非洲、拉丁美洲和中東國家出口在其專制政權中使用的非常相似技術工具。這些工具在新疆等地部署,往往是在美國公司的幫助下部署。 北京還打破了民用和軍用技術領域之間的壁壘——中(共)國稱之爲「軍民融合」。根據法律和主席的命令,中國的公司,無論是私營的、國有還是外國的,都必須與中(共)國軍方共享他們的技術。 過去一年裏,中(共)國在該地區的軍事行動及其對鄰國的態度的挑釁性仍然不斷加大。 雖然中(共)國領導人2015年站在玫瑰園說,——我引用的是原話,中(共)國在南中國海「無意搞軍事化」,然而北京在一組人工島上修建的軍事基地部署了先進的反艦和防空導彈。 北京加大了對他們所說的「海上民兵」船隻的使用力度,經常性地威脅菲律賓和馬來西亞水手和漁民。中(共)國海警還試圖強逼越南不能在越南自己的海岸附近鑽探石油和天然氣。 在東海,2019年,我們的親密盟國日本緊急出動戰鬥機回應中方挑釁的次數將超過歷史上任何一年。中(共)國海警連續60天派船進入日本管理的尖閣列島水域。 中(共)國還利用其「一帶一路」倡議在世界各地的港口建立據點,表面是出於商業目的,但這些目的最終可能變爲軍事性質。如今我們看到,標明中(共)國所有權的旗幟飄揚在從斯里蘭卡到巴基斯坦到希臘的各個港口。 今年早些時候,據報導北京簽署了在柬埔寨建立海軍基地的祕密協議。另據報導,北京甚至在大西洋上尋找可以用作海軍設施的地點。 我們的政府將繼續尊重反映在三項聯合公報和《臺灣關係法》中的「一箇中國政策」,同時,在過去的一年裏,中(共)國通過金錢外交誘使另外兩個國家與(中華民國)臺灣斷交轉而承認北京,增加了對臺灣民主的壓力。 國際社會永遠不能忘記,與臺灣(中華民國政府暫居地)接觸不是威脅和平,而是保護臺灣和整個地區的和平。美國始終相信,擁抱民主的臺灣(中華民國)爲所有華人展示了一條更好的道路。(掌聲) 然而,過去一年來,沒有什麼比香港的動盪更能反映出中國共產黨對自由的反感了。 150年來,香港一直是中(共)國和外部世界之間的一個重要門戶。香港是世界最自由的經濟體之一,有着牢固和獨立的法律機制和活躍的自由媒體,幾十萬外國居民以此爲家。 香港是一個活生生的例子,表明如果中(共)國擁抱自由將會發生什麼。然而,過去幾年來,北京加大了對香港的干預,並且採取了遏制港人權利和自由的行動,這些權利和自由是具有約束力的「一國兩制」國際協議所保障的。 但是川普總統已經說得很清楚。用他的話說,「美國支持自由。」(掌聲)我們尊重各國的主權。但是美國期待北京信守其承諾,川普總統一再明確表示,如果當局使用暴力對付香港抗議者,我們要想達成貿易協議就會難得多。(掌聲) 從那以後,我高興地注意到,香港當局已經撤回了最初引發抗議的逃犯條例,而且北京也展示了一些剋制。 在今後的日子裏,我可以向你們保證,美國將繼續敦促中(共)國展示剋制,信守其承諾,並尊重香港人民。過去幾個月來一直在和平示威以捍衛自身權利的香港人,我們與你們同在。(掌聲)你們鼓舞了我們,我們敦促你們堅持非暴力抗議的道路。(掌聲)要知道,數以百萬計的美國人在爲你們祈禱並且敬仰着你們。 在中國在本地區和世界各地發揮其影響力的同時,正如我去年所說,中國共產黨還在繼續獎勵和脅迫美國工商企業、電影製片廠、大學、智庫、學者、記者以及地方、州和聯邦官員,以影響美國此間的公共辯論。 今天,中(共)國不僅向美國出口數千億美元不公平貿易的商品,而且最近還試圖出口其政權的標誌——審查。利用公司的貪婪,北京試圖影響公衆輿論,脅迫美國企業。 太多美國的跨國企業向中(共)國金錢和市場的誘惑叩頭,他們不僅不批評中國共產黨政府,也不積極表達美國的價值觀。 耐克(Nike)宣傳自己是所謂的」社會正義捍衛者」,但是在香港問題上,耐克選擇把社會良心拒之門外。耐克竟然在中國的自己門店下架了休斯頓火箭隊的商品,卻加入了中(共)國政府對火箭隊總經理(達里爾·莫雷)七字推文的抗議。(莫雷)那條推文是:「爭取自由,挺香港。」 NBA一些最大牌的球員和老闆,他們經常行使他們的自由來批評(美國)這個國家,但是在中國民衆的自由與權利問題上,他們卻失聲了。NBA與中國共產黨政府爲伍,壓制言論自由,行爲就像是那個專制政權全資擁有的子公司。 一個進步派的企業文化卻故意無視對人權的踐踏,這不是進步派的,而是壓制性的。(掌聲) 當美國公司、職業體育運動、職業運動員擁抱審查的時候,這不僅是錯誤的,也違反美國精神。美國公司應當在國內和世界各地挺身捍衛美國價值觀。(掌聲) 北京的經濟和戰略行爲和影響美國公衆輿論的企圖印證了我一年前所說的話,這話在今天仍然準確:中國(中共)希望美國有個不同的總統,這是川普總統的領導正在發揮效力的終極證明。 美國的經濟實力與日俱增,中國的經濟正在付出代價。總統的策略是正確的。他在爲美國人民而戰,爲美國就業和美國工人而戰,之前沒有任何人像他這樣。我向你們保證,本屆政府不會退縮。(掌聲) 話雖如此,總統已經明確表示,美國不尋求與中國對抗。我們尋求的是公平競爭的環境、開放的市場、公平的貿易以及尊重我們的價值觀。 我們不尋求遏制中國的發展。我們希望和中國的領導人有建設性的關係,就像我們和中國人民在幾代人的時間所享有的關係一樣。 如果中國邁步向前,抓住這個獨特的歷史機遇重新開始,停止那些佔了美國人太久便宜的貿易行爲,我知道唐納德‧川普總統已準備好並願意開啓那種新的未來,(掌聲),就像美國過去所做的一樣。 當鄧小平的「改革開放」政策鼓勵中國與外部世界接觸與交流時,美國的回應是張開臂膀。我們歡迎了中國的崛起。我們慶祝6億人民讓自己擺脫貧窮這一令人讚歎的成就。在中國經濟再起的過程中,美國的投資超過了任何其它國家。 美國人民希望中國人民更好。但是爲了追尋這一目標,我們必須認清真實的中國,而不是我們想像或者希望它某天成爲的中國。人們有時會問川普政府是否尋求與中國「脫鉤」。對此的回答是響亮的「不」。 美國尋求與中國接觸以及中國與更廣闊世界的接觸,但是接觸的方式要符合公平、相互尊重和國際商務規則。 然而到目前爲止,中國共產黨似乎繼續抵制真正的開放或者與國際規範並軌。 北京今天所作的一切,從共產黨的網絡防火長城到南中國海的沙築長城,從不信任香港自治到壓制持有宗教信仰的民衆,都顯示是中國共產黨幾十年來一直在與外部世界「脫鉤」。 我聽說,習主席在升任共產黨總書記後不久的一次祕密會議中講話,說中國必須「認真做好兩種社會制度長期合作和鬥爭的各方面準備」。他當時還對他的同事們說,不要低估西方的韌性。這些話有其明智之處。 中(共)國永遠也不要低估熱愛自由的美國人民的韌性或者美國總統的決心。(掌聲)中方應該知道,美國的價值觀根深蒂固,我們對這些價值觀的承諾,仍然像對我們開國元勳的承諾一樣堅定,並且在美國,永遠不會有民主和自由之光消逝的一天。(掌聲) 美國是在反抗壓迫和暴政中而誕生的。那些具有超凡的勇氣、頑強的決心、信念和強烈的獨立性與鋼鐵般意志的男男女女創建了我們的國家並在此定居和開拓。幾百年過去,依然如故。 美國人民相信,所有男女生而平等,造物主賦予我們若干不可剝奪的權利:生命、自由和追求幸福的權利。沒有任何東西會改變這些信念。(掌聲)這是我們的特性。我們將永遠保持這樣的特性。 美國人民將繼續相信,民主的價值觀(個人自由,宗教和良心自由,法治)爲美國和全球利益服務,也可以指導世界各國和人民之間的關係。 我們將繼續相信民主的價值觀,包括個人自由、宗教和良心自由、法治,符合美國和全球利益,因爲它們是,而且永遠將是,最佳的政府形式,以放開人類的抱負,並指導世界各國和人民之間的關係。 雖然我們在美中關係方面面臨諸多挑戰,我可以向你們保證的是,在唐納德‧川普總統的領導下,美國將不允許這些挑戰斷絕與中國的實際合作。 我們將繼續本着誠信與中方談判,以實現我們經濟關係中早該進行的結構改革。我今天早晨再次聽到川普總統說,他仍然對達成協議感到樂觀。 我們將繼續通過教育、旅行和文化交流,在兩國人民之間建立紐帶。 中美兩國還將本着敬業精神繼續合作,以確保朝鮮全面、最終和可驗證的無核化。 我們將在軍備控制和在波斯灣執行美國製裁方面尋求更大的合作。 美國將繼續尋求改善與中國的關係。在我們這樣做的同時,我們將直言不諱,因爲這是美國和中國都必須正確對待的關係。 美國將繼續尋求與中國關係的根本性調整,在唐納德‧川普總統的領導下,美國將堅持到底。美國人民和他們的兩黨民選官員都將保持堅定的決心。我們將捍衛我們的利益。我們將本着對所有人的慈善精神和良好意願來這樣做。(掌聲) 川普總統與習主席建立了牢固的私交。在此基礎上,我們將繼續尋找方法來加強我們的關係,以造福於我們兩國的人民。 我們堅信美國和中國可以而且必須共同努力以分享和平與繁榮的未來。但是,只有誠實的對話和真誠的談判才能使此未來成爲現實。 因此,我一年前結束演講時說過,我今天結束演講時也要說:美國正在向中國伸出援助之手。我們希望,北京不久將懷着新的敬意,以行動而不是言語,來回報美國。 中國有句古話:「人看眼前,天知未來。」 在我們前進的道路上,讓我們以決心和信念追求和平與繁榮的未來。 相信川普總統對我們的經濟和世界地位的領導力和遠見,相信他與中國的習主席建立起的私交,相信美國人民和中國人民之間的持久友誼。並且相信天知未來,在神的恩典下,美國和中國將共同迎接美好的未來。 謝謝大家。願神祝福你們。願神祝福美利堅合衆國。(掌聲) (演講完畢) 以下是白宮在10月24日發表的彭斯第二次美中關係演講英文全文:

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all for that warm welcome. And to your new chairman, Governor Scott Walker; former Congresswoman Jane Harman; and to all the members of the board at this historic center; and to all the fine scholars: It is an honor to be here at the Wilson Center, named after a President that was a great champion for America leadership and for freedom on the world stage. And in that same spirit, allow me to begin this morning by bringing greetings from another President who』s a champion for freedom here at home and across the wider world. I bring greetings from the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump. (Applause.) I come before you today at the end of a momentous week. In the wake of Turkish forces invading Syria, thanks to the strong economic and diplomatic action of the President of the United States, and thanks to the cooperation by our Turkish and Kurdish allies, Syrian Defense Forces were able to safely withdraw from the border area that』s currently under Turkish military control. And yesterday, Turkey』s Ministry of Defense confirmed a permanent cease-fire and a halt of all offensive military operations. (Applause.) Our troops are coming home. And I am pleased to report that through this ceasefire, Turkey and our Kurdish allies have now created an opportunity that the international community can create a safe zone that we believe will restore peace and security for all the peoples of this war-torn region. It is progress, indeed. So thank you again for the honor of being here today, and it』s a particular honor to deliver the inaugural Frederic V. Malek Memorial Lecture. Anyone who knew Fred would tell you that he was a proud son of West Point and that he lived his life by the words 「duty, honor, and country.」 When counseling others, I』m told, he often quoted his alma mater』s Cadet Prayer and urged them to, as he would say, 「Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.」 Fred understood that no one — least of all, nations — can defend their interests by forsaking their values. So in honor of Fred』s memory, I come here today to discuss a subject on which much of the destiny of the 21st century will hinge: the United States relationship with China. Since the earliest days of this administration, President Trump has been determined to build a relationship with China on a foundation of candor, fairness, and mutual respect, in order to achieve, in his words, 「a more just, secure, and peaceful world.」 One year ago this month, I spoke about many of Beijing』s policies most harmful to America』s interests and values, from China』s debt diplomacy and military expansionism; its repression of people of faith; construction of a surveillance state; and, of course, to China』s arsenal of policies inconsistent with free and fair trade, including tariffs, quotas, currency manipulation, forced technology transfer, and industrial subsidies. Past administrations have come and gone, and all were aware of these abuses. None were willing to upset the established Washington interests who not only permitted these abuses, but often profited from them. The political establishment was not only silent in the face of China』s economic aggression and human rights abuses, but they often enabled them. As each year passed, as each factory closed in the heartland of America, as each new skyscraper went up in Beijing, American workers grew only more disheartened, and China grew only more emboldened. In less than two short decades, we』ve seen, as President Trump has said, 「the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.」 Over the past 17 years, China』s GDP has grown more than nine-fold; it has become the second-largest economy in the world. Much of this success was driven by American investment in China. Beijing』s actions have contributed to the United States』 trade deficit with China that last year ran to more than $400 billion — nearly half of our global trade deficit. As President Trump has said many times, we rebuilt China over the last 25 years. No truer words were spoken, but those days are over. As history will surely note, in less than three years, President Donald Trump has changed that narrative forever. No longer will America and its leaders hope that economic engagement alone will transform Communist China』s authoritarian state into a free and open society that respects private property, the rule of law, and international rules of commerce. Instead, as the President』s 2017 National Security Strategy articulated, the United States now recognizes China as a strategic and economic rival. And I can attest firsthand, a strong majority of the American people, in the city and on the farm, are behind President Trump』s clear-eyed vision of the U.S.–China relationship. And the President』s stand also enjoys broad bipartisan support in the Congress as well. Over the past year with that support, President Trump has taken bold and decisive action to correct the failed policies of the past, to strengthen America, to hold Beijing accountable, and to set our relationship on a more fair, stable, and constructive course for the good of both of our nations and the world. When our administration took office, China was on track to become the largest economy in the world. Experts predicted that China』s economy would surpass the United States』 economy in just a few short years. But thanks to bold economic agenda advanced by President Trump, all that has changed. From early on in this administration, this President signed the largest tax cuts and tax reform in American history. We lowered the American corporate tax rate to mirror other corporate rates around the world. We rolled back federal regulation at record levels. We unleashed American energy. And President Trump has stood strong for free and fair trade. The result? America has the strongest economy in the history of the world. (Applause.) And the strongest economy in our own history. Unemployment today is at a 50-year low. There are more Americans working today than ever before. Median household income in the last two and half years has risen by more than $5,000. And that doesn』t even account for the savings from the President』s tax cuts or energy reforms for working families. Because of the President』s policies, America has added trillions of dollars of wealth to our economy while China』s economy continues to fall behind. To level the playing field for the American worker against unethical trade practices, President Trump levied tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods in 2018. And earlier this year, the President announced we would place tariffs on another $300 billion of Chinese goods if significant issues in our trading relationship were not resolved by December of this year. To protect intellectual property rights and the privacy of our citizens and our national security, we』ve taken strong steps to curtail illegal behavior of Chinese companies like Huawei and ZTE. And we』ve urged our allies around the world to build secure 5G networks that don』t give Beijing control of our most sensitive infrastructure and data as well. And as we』ve grown stronger economically, President Trump has also signed the largest increases in our national defense in more than a generation: $2.5 trillion of new investment in our national defense just in the last three years. We』ve made the strongest military in the history of the world stronger still. And to make it clear to Beijing that no nation has a right to claim the maritime commons as territorial seas, the United States, in the last year, has increased the tempo and scope of our freedom of navigation operations and strengthened our military presence across the Indo-Pacific. To uphold the values of freedom-loving people every year [everywhere], we』ve also called out the Chinese Communist Party for suppressing freedom of religion of the Chinese people. Millions of ethnic and religious minorities in China are struggling against the Party』s efforts to eradicate their religious and cultural identities. The Communist Party in China has arrested Christian pastors, banned the sale of Bibles, demolished churches, and imprisoned more than one million Muslim Uighurs. We』ve held Beijing accountable for its treatment of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang when, just last month, President Trump imposed visas restrictions on Chinese Communist Party officials, as well as sanctions on 20 Chinese public security bureaus and 8 Chinese companies for their complicity in the persecution of Uighurs and other Chinese Muslims. (Applause.) And we』ve stood by Taiwan in defense of her hard-won freedoms. Under this administration, we』ve authorized additional military sales and recognized Taiwan』s place as one of the world』s great trading economies and beacons of Chinese culture and democracy. And as millions have taken to the streets in peaceful protest, we』ve spoken out on behalf of the people of Hong Kong. And President Trump has made it clear from early on that there must be a peaceful resolution that respects the rights of the people of Hong Kong, as outlined in the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. These are all historic actions. And no President before has so vigorously advanced America』s interests in our relationship with China. In response to America』s actions and resolve, some multinational corporations say our economic policies are too tough and that advancing our interests and our values runs contrary to better relations with China. Needless to say, we see it very differently. Despite the great power competition that is underway, and America』s growing strength, we want better for China. That』s why, for the first time in decades, under President Donald Trump』s leadership, the United States is treating China』s leaders exactly how the leaders of any great world power should be treated — with respect, yes, but also with consistency and candor. And in that spirit of candor, I must tell you that in the year since my Hudson speech, Beijing has still not taken significant action to improve our economic relationship. And on many other issues we』ve raised, Beijing』s behavior has become even more aggressive and destabilizing. On the trade front, this past May, after months of painstaking negotiations resulted in mutual agreement on many key matters, at the last moment, China backed away — backed away from a 150-page agreement, sending both sides back to square one. Now, President Trump still believes Beijing wants to make a deal. And we welcome the support for American agriculture in the new phase one agreement and hope it can be signed as soon as the APEC Summit in Chile this week. But China knows there』s a whole range of structural and significant issues between our two countries that also must be addressed. For instance, despite a 2015 promise in the Rose Garden by China』s leader to cease and desist, China continues to aid and abet the theft of our intellectual property. Last July, the director of the FBI told Congress that of his agency』s 1,000 active investigations into intellectual property theft, the majority involve China. American enterprises continue to lose hundreds of billions of dollars each year in intellectual property theft. Behind these statistics are not just businesses, but people, families, and dreams threatened by the violation of their rights and the theft of their genius. Free enterprise depends on the ability of risk-taking citizens to pursue their ambitions and reap the rewards of their sacrifice. When the product of their labor is stolen, when the sweat of their brow is made futile, it undermines our entire system of free enterprise. Last year alone, there』s been case after case of intellectual property theft involving China. In March, Tesla filed suit against a former engineer who』s been accused of stealing 300,000 files related to its own American-developed autopilot system, before bolting for a job at a Chinese self-driving car company. And last December, the Justice Department revealed that it had broken up a nearly four-year operation by a notorious hacking group within China』s Ministry of State Security. These Chinese government officials stole the names and data of 100,000 U.S. Navy personnel, as well as ship maintenance information, with grave implications for our national security. Despite China』s promises to crack down on Chinese fentanyl and other synthetic opioids, the truth is, those deadly drugs also continue to flood across our borders, claiming the lives of thousands of Americans every month. And today, China』s Communist Party is building a surveillance state unlike anything the world has ever seen. Hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras stare down from every vantage point. Ethnic minorities must navigate arbitrary checkpoints where police demand blood samples, fingerprints, voice recordings, and multiple angle head shots, and even iris scans. And China is now exporting to countries in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East the very same technological tools that it uses in its authoritarian regime: tools that it』s deployed in places like Xinjiang; tools that it』s deployed often with the help of American companies. And Beijing has also smashed the barriers between civilian and military technological domains — a doctrine that China calls 「military-civilian fusion.」 By law and presidential fiat, companies in China — whether private, state-owned, or foreign — must share their technologies with the Chinese military. And China』s military action in the region and its approach to its neighbors over the past year has also remained increasingly provocative. While China』s leaders stood in the Rose Garden in 2015 and said that its country had, and I quote, 「no intention to militarize」 the South China Sea, Beijing has deployed advanced anti-ship and anti-air missiles atop an archipelago of military bases constructed on artificial islands. And Beijing has stepped up its use of what they call 「maritime militia」 vessels to regularly menace Filipino and Malaysian sailors and fishermen. And the Chinese Coast Guard has tried to strong-arm Vietnam from drilling for oil and natural gas off of Vietnam』s own shores. In the East China Sea, in 2019, our close ally, Japan, is on track to scramble more fighter aircraft sorties in response to Chinese provocations than in any previous year in history. And China』s Coast Guard has sent ships for more than 60 days in a row into the waters around the Senkaku Islands, which are administered by Japan. China is also using its 「One Belt, One Road」 Initiative to establish footholds in ports around the world, ostensibly for commercial purposes, but those purposes could eventually become military. We see now the flag of Chinese ownership flying today in ports from Sri Lanka to Pakistan to Greece. And earlier this year, it was reported that Beijing had signed a secret agreement to establish a naval base in Cambodia. And it is reported that Beijing is even eyeing locations on the Atlantic Ocean that could serve as naval facilities. And while our administration will continue to respect the One China Policy — as reflected in the three joint communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act — through checkbook diplomacy, over the past year China has induced two more nations to switch diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing, increasing pressure on the democracy in Taiwan. The international community must never forget that its engagement with Taiwan does not threaten the peace; it protects peace on Taiwan and throughout the region. America will always believe that Taiwan』s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people. (Applause.) But nothing in the past year has put on display the Chinese Communist Party』s antipathy to liberty so much as the unrest in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has served as an important gateway between China and the wider world for 150 years. Hong Kong is one of the freest economies in the world, with strong, independent legal institutions and a lively free press, and it』s home to hundreds of thousands of foreign residents. Hong Kong is a living example of what can happen when China embraces liberty. And yet, for the last few years, Beijing has increased its interventions in Hong Kong and engaged in actions to curtail the rights and liberties of its people — rights and liberties that were guaranteed through a binding international agreement of 「one country, two systems.」 But President Trump has been clear, as he said in his words, 「The United States stands for liberty.」 (Applause.) We respect the sovereignty of nations. But America expects Beijing to honor its commitments, and President Trump has repeatedly made it clear it would be much harder for us to make a trade deal if the authorities resort to the use of violence against protestors in Hong Kong. (Applause.) Since then, I』m pleased to observe that Hong Kong authorities have withdrawn the extradition bill that sparked the protests in the first place, and Beijing has shown some restraint. In the days ahead, I can assure you, the United States will continue to urge China to show restraint, to honor its commitments, and respect the people of Hong Kong. And to the millions in Hong Kong who have been peacefully demonstrating to protect your rights these past months, we stand with you. (Applause.) We are inspired by you, and we urge you to stay on the path of nonviolent protest. (Applause.) But know that you have the prayers and the admiration of millions of Americans. As China has exercised its influence across the region and across the world, as I said last year, the Chinese Communist Party is also continuing to reward and coerce American businesses, movie studios, universities, think tanks, scholars, journalists, and local, state, and federal officials to influence the public debate here in America. Today, China is not only exporting hundreds of billions of dollars in unfairly traded goods to the United States, but lately China has also been trying to export censorship — the hallmark of its regime. By exploiting corporate greed, Beijing is attempting to influence American public opinion, coercing corporate America. And far too many American multinational corporations have kowtowed to the lure of China』s money and markets by muzzling not only criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, but even affirmative expressions of American values. Nike promotes itself as a so called 「social justice champion,」 but when it comes to Hong Kong, it prefers checking its social conscience at the door. Nike stores in China actually removed their Houston Rockets merchandise from their shelves to join the Chinese government in protest against the Rockets general manager』s seven-word tweet, which read: 「Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.」 And some of the NBA』s biggest players and owners, who routinely exercise their freedom to criticize this country, lose their voices when it comes to the freedom and rights of the people of China. In siding with the Chinese Communist Party and silencing free speech, the NBA is acting like a wholly owned subsidiary of the authoritarian regime. A progressive corporate culture that willfully ignores the abuse of human rights is not progressive; it is repressive. (Applause.) When American corporations, professional sports, pro athletes embrace censorship, it』s not just wrong; it』s un-American. American corporations should stand up for American values here at home and around the world. (Applause.) And Beijing』s economic and strategic actions, its attempts to shape American public opinion, prove out what I said a year ago and it』s just as true today: China wants a different American President, which is the ultimate proof that President Trump』s leadership is working. America』s economy is growing stronger by the day, and China』s economy is paying the price. The President』s strategy is correct. He』s fighting for the American people, for American jobs and American workers like no one has before. And I promise you this administration will not stand down. (Applause.) That said, the President has also made it clear the United States does not seek confrontation with China. We seek a level playing field, open markets, fair trade, and a respect for our values. We are not seeking to contain China』s development. We want a constructive relationship with China』s leaders, like we have enjoyed for generations with China』s people. And if China will step forward and seize this unique moment in history to start anew by ending the trade practices that have taken advantage of the American people for far too long, I know President Donald Trump is ready and willing to begin that new future — (applause) — just as America has done in the past. When Deng Xiaoping』s 「Reform and Opening」 policy encouraged engagement and exchange with the outside world, the United States responded with open arms. We welcomed China』s rise. We celebrated the remarkable accomplishment of 600 million people lifting themselves out of poverty. And America invested more than any other nation in China』s economic resurgence. The American people want better for the people of China. But in pursuit of that end, we must take China as it is, not as we imagine or hope it might be someday. And people sometimes ask whether the Trump administration seeks to 「de-couple」 from China. The answer is a resounding 「no.」 The United States seeks engagement with China and China』s engagement with the wider world, but engagement in a manner consistent with fairness, mutual respect, and the international rules of commerce. But, so far, it appears the Chinese Communist Party continues to resist a true opening or a convergence with global norms. All that Beijing is doing today, from the Party』s great firewall in cyberspace or to that great wall of sand in the South China Sea, from their distrust of Hong Kong』s autonomy, or their repression of people of faith all demonstrate that it』s the Chinese Communist Party that has been 「de-coupling」 from the wider world for decades. President Xi himself, I』m told, said in a once-secret speech shortly after his rise as Party General Secretary that China must 「conscientiously prepare for all aspects of long-term cooperation and struggle between the two social systems.」 He also told his colleagues at that time not to underestimate the resilience of the West. And there was wisdom in those words. China should never underestimate the resilience of the freedom-loving people of America or the resolve of the President of the United States. (Applause.) China should know that the United States』 values run deep, that our commitment to these values remains as strong as it was for our Founding Fathers, and that there will never be a day when the bright light of democracy and freedom goes out in America. (Applause.) America was born out of rebellion against repression and tyranny. Our nation was founded, settled, and pioneered by men and women of extraordinary valor, rugged determination, faith, and fiery independence and an iron will. And nothing has changed much in the centuries that have passed. Americans believe that all men and women are created equal and we』re endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And nothing will change these beliefs. (Applause.) They are who we are. They are who we will always be. And we will continue to believe that the values of democracy — of individual liberty, of freedom of religion and conscience, the rule of law — serve American and global interests because they are, and will ever be, the best form of government to unleash human aspirations and guide the relations between all the world』s nations and peoples. Despite the many challenges we face in the United States-China relationship, I can assure you that under the leadership of President Donald Trump, the United States will not allow these challenges to foreclose practical cooperation with China. We will continue to negotiate in good faith with China to bring about long-overdue structural reforms in our economic relationship. And as I heard again from him this morning, President Trump remains optimistic that an agreement can be reached. We』ll continue to forge bonds between our two peoples through education, travel, and cultural exchange. China and the United States will also continue in a spirit of engagement to work together to secure the full, final, and verifiable denuclearization of North Korea. And we will seek greater cooperation on arms control and the enforcement of U.S. sanctions in the Persian Gulf. America will continue to seek a better relationship with China. And as we do so, we will speak plainly, because this is a relationship that both the United States and China have to get right. America will continue to seek a fundamental restructuring of our relationship with China. And under the leadership of President Donald Trump, America will stay the course. The American people and their elected officials in both parties will stay resolved. We will defend our interests. We will defend our values. And we will do so in a spirit of charity and good will for all. (Applause.) President Trump has forged a strong personal relationship with President Xi. And on that foundation, we will continue to look for ways to strengthen our relationship for the betterment of both of our peoples. And we fervently believe the United States and China can and must work to share a peaceful and prosperous future together. But only honest dialogue and good-faith negotiations can make that future a reality. And so, as I closed my speech a year ago, so I close today: America is reaching out our hand to China. And we hope that, soon, Beijing will reach back, this time with deeds, not words, and with renewed respect for America. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that reads, 「Men see only the present, but Heaven sees the future.」 As we go forward, let us pursue a future of peace and prosperity with resolve and faith. Faith in President Trump』s leadership and vision for our economy and our place in the world, and faith in the relationship that he has forged with President Xi of China and in the enduring friendship between the American people and the Chinese people. And faith that Heaven sees the future — and by God』s grace, America and China will meet that future together. Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America. (Applause.) END △




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