電子報 简体版

【人民報消息】當世界都在可恥的沉默時,7月20日上午,前美國駐蘇聯外交人員、美國外交政策協會主任約翰-海門威律師, 在美國首都華盛頓DC聲援二千四百萬中國民衆退出中共的集會上發言。令人震撼不已。

他在發言結束時的最後一段話是:記得美國「獨立宣言」 的最後一句話──所有簽署宣言的人承諾:「用我們的生命、我們的財產、和我們神聖的榮譽 , 爭取自由!」 希望所有那些支持法輪功的個人及羣體也在今天做同樣的承諾!




海門威律師在發言中還回顧了美中關係,檢討了基辛格幫助共產黨在中國鞏固紅色政權,和1972年美國總統尼克森決定和紅色中國成爲 "戰略伙伴關係 ",承認紅色中國,把聯合國的否決權交給中共,改變與中華民國的外交關係。他說: 沒有任何一個作法比這些決定更愚蠢。


2007年4月8日,是中國歷史上一個永遠不會也不能忘記的日子,這一天將載入史冊。在法輪功依然受迫害之時,自由文化運動協調委員會4月8日於新西蘭奧克蘭歐緹會議中心(Aotea Centre)舉行了「中國自由文化運動2007年特別精神信仰獎頒獎大會」,把這份「特別精神信仰獎」頒發給了法輪功。這是中國民間及知識份子首次褒獎給正在受迫害的信奉「真善忍」的法輪功修煉團體。








1945年吹響了殖民時期的結束,日本軍國勢力被投下的兩顆原子彈所制服。蔣介石和他領導的國民黨,亦即中華民國,統治了中華大地。 1941年中華民國收回了臺灣並在1943年的開羅會議被國際承認。

但在中國東北接受日本投降的處置確鑄成大錯 - - - 蘇聯把日本投降的所有作戰物資交給了中國共產黨人。之後的一系列軍事失誤與災難, 導致共產黨人統治了中國大陸 。

毛澤東不僅仿造莫斯科政權建立了他的專制王國, 他也成功的獲得了蘇聯的核武器技術。即使在今天,人們可以把蘇聯的文件,劃掉西裏爾字母"蘇聯 USSR" , 改換成"中華人民共和國PRC "之後 , 你會發現一個字都不需要再改,這份文件在中國仍然正確、應時可用。

因此,在共產中國的憲法第1條文的聲明裏,你一點都不會驚訝的看到和蘇聯相同的寫着「民主集中制」 ,這將決定着中共的所有內部政策。 根據共產主義最基本的概念,這意味着每一個人民都必須向領導人「叩頭,接受控制」。


共產黨政權不能容忍任何它控制不了的組織。法輪功成員都是獨立、有自由思想的民衆。 北京集團想要控制你們的組織 . 想不讓這種獨立自由思想的情況發生 !

英國十年前把香港主權交還給共產黨人。「一國兩制」 只是嘴巴說說並不真去實幹,在香港的上訴法院現在已經被中共中央委員會主席團接管了。

3 。基辛格幫助共產黨在中國鞏固紅色政權。

沒有任何一個比佩爾巴克 ("大地, The Good Earth " 一書的作者) 更權威的於1972年的宣佈:當年美國總統尼克森決定和紅色中國成爲 "戰略伙伴關係 ",承認紅色中國是人們所不能選得更糟的格局。沒有比改變與中華民國的外交關係及把聯合國的否決權交給中共的作法更加愚蠢的了。


中國人是一個偉大又有才華的民族。在我年輕的時候,人家說「中國有4億個顧客買主」 - - 至少有一本書叫這樣的名字。今天,她至少有13億顧客買主。但是我們無法容忍行賄給美國國會參議員們 , 讓其配偶深深地加入和中國的作貿易生意,這些人的動機是貪婪和貪慾。


我們(美國)與中國的關係 , 還有超越於利潤的更多方面,我們必須支持自由和獨立的努力、擺脫暴政。因此,我們今天在喬治華盛頓這位偉人的紀念碑的蔭影下召開這個聲援退黨大集會,這位偉人當年在列科新頓(Lexington) 開槍反抗後,就勇敢領導民衆爲爭取自由而戰,事蹟響徹全球。今天引領法輪功羣體方向的人,也應遵循這位偉人爭自由努力不懈的原則。

記得美國「獨立宣言」 的最後一句話 -- 所有簽署宣言的人承諾:「用我們的生命、我們的財產、和我們神聖的榮譽 , 爭取自由!」 希望所有那些支持法輪功的個人及羣體也在今天做同樣的承諾!



Brief Remarks for Falun Gong Supporters

1. How did United States Relations with China Evolve?

1945 sounded the end of the colonial period. Japan was conquered with only 2 nuclear bombs. Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuo-ming-tang, that is, the Republic of China dominated China. The Republic of China claimed Taiwan in 1941 and this was confirmed at Cario in 1943.

But the surrender of the Japanese in China was mishandled - - the Soviets handed Japanese war materials to the Communists. Through a series of military disasters, the Communists were dominated on the Mainland China.

Not only did Mao make his despotism a carbon copy of the Moscow regime, he succeeded in getting USSR nuclear weapons technology. Even today one could take a document from the Soviet Union, cross out the Cyrillic letters 「USSR」 and put in the 「People』s Republic of China」 and one would not have to change a word. The document would be contemporary.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Article 1 of the Constitution of the Communist People』s Republic of China declares the「democratic centralism」would determine the internal policies of China. A basis communist concept, this means every person must kow-tow to the leader.

2. This is Exactly Why Falun Gong is Persecuted.

A Communist regime can not tolerate any organization it does not control. Members of the Falun Gong are independent free thinkers. Beijing wants to control your organization. Do not let this happen!

Britain surrendered Hong Kong to the Communists. There was lip service given to two systems under one government, but the Court of Appeals in Hong Kong has now been taken over by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

3. Kissinger Favored the Communists in Power in China.

No less an authority than Pearl Buck (Author of 「The Good Earth」) declared in 1972, when President Nixon made Red China a 「Strategic Partner」 of the U.S. that one could not have chosen a worse pattern for the recognition of Red China. To modify relations with the Republic of China and hand the veto power to the Communists was nothing less than stupid.

No real American would have made such a recommendation changing U.S. policy. But then, no real American would have abandoned U.S. prisoners of war to the communists, as Kissinger did. The Department of State, however, has many so-called China experts who were eager to be posted in China.

The Chinese are a great and talented people. In my youth, one spoke of 400 millions customers - - there was a book by that name. Today, it is 1.3 billion customers. But we can not tolerate the bribing of U.S. Senators, whose spouses are deeply engaged in the China trade. These individuals are motivated by greed and avarice.

4. Urge Supporters Pledge to Fight for the Freedom of Falun Gong

There is more to our relationship with China than profit. We must support freedom and independence from tyranny. It is therefore fitting that we meet today in the shadow of a monument to a great man who bravely led the fight for freedom after the shots were fired in Lexington that were heard around the world. Today, the leadership of the Falun Gong should follow the same principles of that great man.

Recall the final words of the United States 「Declaration of Independence」 - - the signers 「pledged our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to the cause of freedom」. Let those supporting the Falun Gong pledge to do the same on this day!

Thank You!




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